mi茅rcoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Why study the carrer we study?

Hey, guys馃槂

Remember their professional dreams when you was children?

Well, when I was a girl, I thought there was a ideal job, but now i think the contrary. 
I remember that i wanted to be a chef, because my mother cookined very nice and worked in popular restaurant in the city, also remenber that she used to arrive very tired. then she told me me to think again before studying gastronomy.

In the secundary i decided studying something associated with the earth. Exploring, I discovered the geography and found very interesting the themes it works. I finally decided this profession, geography. unfortunately my experience at the university has not been good, because the periods of classes are interrupted and the return to classes is very stressful.

Altougth i want that when I finish I will find a good job in the south of Chile and continue studying a grade.

My professional goals have changed dramatically since I was a child, but I think the important thing is to continue and not abandon our dreams. 
What do you think?

mi茅rcoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

About me

Hi, everybody,

My name is Evelin Marivil Marivil, I am 20 years old, presently a second year geography student at the University of Chile.

Well, I will tell you about me, I was born in 2000 in Santiago and lived in the city until I was 13 years old, at that time my grandmother was sick and we moved to Temuco to take care of her. I had to leave school, my friends and my house. The change was difficult but I was able to adapt well.

I finished high school at the Liceo Pablo Neruda in Temuco. I remember that the last year I didn't know what career to study, until I finally chose geography at a university far from my home.

Now, back in Santiago, I live alone and work in a restaurant as a kitchen assistant. With the university and the job I don't have much free time, but when I can cook delicious desserts, I LOVE THEM. I also like playing guitar, watching psychological thrillers and reading thrillers. Although my favorite hobby is traveling, during the year I save for my summer trips and it's great to relate to the geography, I learn a lot more in the field.
This is me.

Thanks for reading me, I hope you're well. See you soon.